Many of you are jumping over from YouTube looking to download our Adobe Illustrator Brushes and Resource Folders. Once you have downloaded and extracted the folders, Digital Downloads are ready to use in Adobe Illustrator. Start with our Resource Guides, Illustrator Tutorials, or YouTube Playlists to understand how to apply resources in Adobe Illustrator. BRUSH LIBRARIES / COMIC HALFTONES / T-SHIRT TEXTURES / RESOURCE BUNDLE
Grunge BMP Textures for easy T-Shirt Distressing Styles: Apply BMP Textures within Adobe Illustrator using Opacity Masks or the Transparency Panel.
FILE - PLACE: Once you have grouped and resized (if needed) your own finished original artwork, you are ready to bring in the BMP Textures. Under File - Place Textures into your working Artboard. Scale to Fit over your entire design. To use Textures with Opacity Masks you will need to Group and Scale your Finished Artwork before Applying.
OPACITY MASKS: This method of masking is used a lot for T-Shirt Design (using your own original artwork). The idea is to have the garment color shine through your own design. The Texture will cut through your design to give a vintage or worn appearance. First select your finished design and the BMP Texture. Go to the Transparency Panel and click "Make Mask."